Saturday 2 November 2019

Normal Serice Will be Resumed

A lot has been happening at chaos manor in recent months, and, as usual, a lot has not been happening.

I'm yet to put together a full pictorial of all the ongoing changes we are doing to Elder Cottage, some of which definitely, especially from an ELR perspective, feel like we are going backwards.

As usual, the Summer months have been full of lovely visitors, who somehow abandon us as the fenland winds pick up and the nights draw in. We've also welcomed Freddie, our first grandson, into the world, as well as Gigi, our new pup.

Last week the foundations finally went in for my new home office and model workshop. I suspect the next few weeks are going to be traumatic as we change things around. Tomorrow my main computer will go dark, and probably remain so for a month or so.

I'll see you on the other side.

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