Thursday, 6 February 2025

All Made Here

 As I discovered in my years living and working in central London, we often don't do the touristy things on our doorstep. This year, Issy and I are making a real effort to experience some of the highlights of the Potteries. We've already visited the excellent Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, which is free.

This week we went to even more excellent Middleport Pottery.

Having limited time, we didn't manage to do the heritage tour or visit the nearby associated shops, but we did pre-book the superb Burleigh Factory tour.

Some photos follow, but their website explains the process better than I can. I must admit that before visiting, I didn't understand why they were so proud of using the transfer process. I guess we think of it as as a modern shortcut, but the way they do it here is anything but a shortcut. it was fascinating to see the skilled workers cutting the flat, inked, transfer paper on to the 3D pottery.


  1. It's true about doorsteps. I'd like to visit the local museum, I last went when I moved up here years ago, but now it's closed due to dry rot and a new site has yet to be decided. There was a little siteseeing bus in town as well, built on the chassis of a milkfloat, we kept saying that we'd like to take a trip on it, ut that's gone as well. There's a moral here...

    1. As you get older you begin to realise that preservation is less permenant than you thought. It is particularly noticable in the maritime world
