I'm sure I've missed a post about something significant post Doncaster. I'm sure it will come back to me.
Meanwhile the reorganised office/studio has let me make some progress. I've started with some road vehicles, partly because I find them useful to judging how scenes are going to work.
Unfortunately, it turns out there is a bit of a problem.
I can't believe the three lorris I've started with are to the same scale.
From left to right these are an Arch laser Thames Trader 3D print, An Oxford Diecast Foden, and a P&D Marsh ERF.
Ignore the leaning cab on the Foden, it hasn't been screwed back in place yet.
So I need to do some research on the full size dimensions.
I like the Thames Trader, the print is characterful, but it seems massive, whilst the Foden seems minute.
Then we come on to the ERF....
I should say I bought in on a whim in Doncaster, primarily as a mule to try out my painting skills in 2mm, with no real intent of it ending up on a layout
Painting it is a one-step forward, one-backwards sort of process, as seen here, but I'm learning from it.
As I'm also learning from weathering the Foden.
As I'm also learning from weathering the Foden.
I've dialled the weathering down a bit since this photo, but it is going to end up posed next to the limekiln, so is going to have to look very dusty.
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