Thursday 2 May 2024


Progress on Gerralt Road has been slow, but in a good way, as I've been exploring various ideas away from the baseboard as I get used to working in the smaller scale.

In the spirit of the original Apa Valley in 4mm I've got hold of a Mosslanda shelf so I can try things out in a low risk way, and hopefully end up with a  useful photoplank as well.

I'm getting somewhere with ideas around buildings and trees. It is also time to make my first batch of DG couplings. I think it is well known that I hate making couplings.

I know others swear by it, but I've never got on with Carrs Metal Black. I don't know why. I've always found it hard to get a consistent and robust finish. Looking around model boat forums, I came across this stuff.  

So far I'm impressed. The DGs had a preparatory overnight soak in white vinegar and a quick dunk in the solution. The final finish is, perhaps, more gray than black, but in a nicely metallic way


  1. I've found that Birchwood Casey blackening fluids (for guns) work well, and were stocked by Eileen's, but I'm not sure where you'd find them outside of a gun shop now. I miss Eileen's...

    1. I was trying to track that down, but couldn't find it locally. It would have been easier at the old house with a gun shop not that far away. Harts do some different finishes, and I'm tempted to experiment some more.
