Sunday 28 October 2012

Rolling Stock

So far this has not been high on my list of priorities. The basic idea has been to get enough stock together to "operate" the line initially - given the limitations of operation on such a basic layout, and then to add stock primarily for display and photography.

The real Tanat Valley Railway was a haven for attractive, quirky GWR tank locos and most of them are available in 4mm scale. In the period the model is set most of those had gone and a 14xx is really the obvious loco. I haven't had a good look at the latest Hornby version but from what I've seen I suspect it would still benefit from a lot of extra work. It would be as easy to build the GEM/Mainly Trains Cambrian 2-4-0, but of course that never lasted into the early BR period the model is set in.

A Bachmann Pannier or 45xx are the other RTR choices. I've always had a soft spot for the 45xx, but it is a little large for the TVR in GWR days.k. Some tender locos did work the line including a Deans Goods and a 2F OO Works used to have one of those available. In BR days Ivatt class 2s seem to have been the common motive power, though I've not seen a picture of the tank version on the line. was the axle loading slightly higher? The Dukedogs never worked on it as far as I know, but one is definitely on my shopping list

An outside bet would be the Anglicized Electroten 0-6-0 saddle tank but that would also need some work to be convincing.

In the long term there are a lot more options for kit built locos. Then in the long term if I'm going to move to C+L track I might as well go EM, so why rush?

Oh yes, and because I quite like diesels an 08 and a 24 are both on the  list.

Wagons shouldn't be a problem. A couple of vans, a couple of mineral wagons, a neglected ex PO wagon, and perhaps a gunpowder van for use at the quarry.Obviously a Toad is a necessity and I think that will have to be the Frogmore AA3 kit.

In theory the model is set after passenger services have been withdrawn. Not only do I like the atmosphere of overgrown stations but also a lack of passenger traffic will hopefully aid the deception that this is a "bitsa" station design. Having said that I have a Ratio 4 wheel GWR coach in the works for no better reason that this kit has been my nemesis in the past and I'm determined to build one to a quality that satisfies me even if it will end up in an unprototypical maroon livery. An old Triang clerestory brake could masquerade as dia, E40, and I'm tempted by the Comet  Collett driving trailer.

I suppose they might have tried an AC railcar out on a line like this....

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