Monday 7 October 2024

The Waterworks

I've had some great visits to local museums, events and railway lines this Summer. I guess my luck couldn't hold.

On the canal not far from us stands Stockton Brook Waterworks

I've been dying to see inside, and for ages have been looking forward to their open day.

Unfortunately, although I was there for an hour, I could never find anyone free to talk to me, and there was a total dearth of information boards to tell you what you were looking at. Hence no captions.

There was obviously a lot of chat going on between people who already knew each other, and other attendees saw it as a great success. It left me feeling slightly depressesd and if the fault was on my side, though a visit to the Stafford Model Raily Show the next dispelled that thought. Still, I got some nice picture, although the mood of them sums up how I was feeling. 

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Caldon Celebrations

It is hard to believe it is 50 years since the Caldon Canal was restored, though Uttoxeter is still out of reach. 

I wandered over to our local marina and boat club for an event to mark the reopening. Nothing spectacular, but well attended, and an excuse for a long walk and a diversion on the way back to a reasonable pub. 

The remains of the Stoke-Leek line

There was a swing bridge here, for a private siding

Sunday 22 September 2024


 An ongoing saga in the miniature railway world has been Adam Jeffrey's attempts to get planning permission for a new line. The good news is that instead, he has taken over ownership of the Rudyard Lake Railway, which is even closer to my doorstep than Apedale.

It has been a long time since I last visited, so long ago that my VHS camera was a novelty. I'm not sure if any footage survives. All Summer I'd been planning to visit, but family events largely got in the way.

So, I made a special effort for the steam gala weekend. What a day it was! There were lots of trains and lots of people keen to make it a success. I also ran into several people I'd only met online before  The highlights for me were the Climax and the two Curwen locos. A day ticket let me travel on several trains, with a half hourly service, but I still managed to walk miles getting photos.