Saturday, 13 September 2014

Kings Lynn

Over on Odd's Oracle Martin recently posted a rather fetching picture of an 04 at Great Yarmouth that just cries out to be modelled You can see a rather larger version of the picture here, along with a similar sort of scene from Dowlais that I suspect some of you will find hard to resist.

I think the Great Yarmouth scene has great potential for a boxed diorama as it stands. However it also put me in mind of two other layout plans I've seen.

One is based on Great Yarmouth itself and appears in the Model Railway Planning and Design Handbook. The other is a design by my fellow Apa Box modeller Ian Holmes and is based on a real location in Kings Lynn, though one that was never served by rail.

It is, of course, a complete and utter coincidence that I persuaded my beloved yesterday that there was nothing she wanted to do more than to visit Kings Lynn for lunch.

So here are some pictures of the location Ian had in mind.

And finally a gratuitous weathered warehouse door that was a little further along the quays


  1. You're right about that Dowlais photo - I do like a chunky Hudswell Clarke diesel.

    1. It isn't their most attractive product when it comes to the side view And have you ever seen their King George V?

  2. Thanks for the fabulous photos! I didn't believe that the Kings Lynn scene really existed...those brick buildings are crying out to be modelled. The scene at Dowlais...substitute an Austerity or an Andrew Barclay and that is my idea of perfection :-) I also appreciated the gratuitous peeling door photo - can't have too many of those! What a pleasant blog post to read with my "elevenses" :-)

    1. when I firsat saw Ian's plan the thought did cross my mind that the Scalescenes' High St Backs kit could provide a shortcut. Having visited the location though it cries out to be modelled as is, though the Customs House would be a major challenge.

  3. Ha ha! Yes, you notice I didn't mention the customs house :-) I love making things with the Scalescenes stuff, it is most satisfying and very effective...dare I say, it's fun!

    1. Iain, Yes I have a high regard for them, both the kits and also the texture sheets. I keep meaning to build a version of the TVR buildings using his corrugated sheets though unfortunately there isn't a weathered black version in his range.

      Simon Cox has done an excellent build of the cottages

      It has dawned on me that thee King's Lynn layout could be 21st century version of the Madder Valley....

    2. Thanks for that link to Simon Cox, those cottages are very fine indeed, with just the right amount of "sharpness". I'm searching through my huge stack of MRJ's now for the Jas Milham article about Kings Lynn...and I think you have a point there. Bob Barlow's Ynys Gwyntog has me very excited in the same way.

    3. And just in case any readers don't know about the original, semi-mythical Ynys Gwyntog

  4. Thanks, James - I have that on my followed list now. Great to see all the articles together like that.
